Your website: your most valuable employee

Website Management

We’re always talking about how websites are not a static product to be created and put out there in hopes that 6 months later it’ll somehow still be relevant. Your website should be viewed as your highest performing, hardest working employee – available 24/7, always showing off your best features, answering questions before they’re asked, selling your products and services, and keeping your content relevant within your evolving industry.

But of course they can’t do this alone.

website management

Introducing our Website Care Plans – a bounty of amazingly valuable benefits packaged into three tiers, designed to help you squeeze the best return from your website investment.

Whether you’re just getting started or your website’s been live but stagnant for a few years, our Essentials Plan is jam-packed with benefits and is the foundation of all three of our Website Care Plans. DialedIn will take your business to the next level, and Pro is for those of you who are really serious about building value in your web presence. Learn more about what each Plan offers below, then contact us today to get signed up.


Our core set of features is anything but bottom-tier. They are essential in keeping your website investment up-to-date, secure, and speedy, while also providing you valuable extras like analytics and video tutorials.


Essentials Core + Plugin Updates

peace of mind that your website software is being regularly updated to ensure protection against security threats

Essentials Google Analytics Integration

Google Analytics account and property configured and integrated into website for in-depth details of audience interactions/stats

Essentials Valuable Support Channel

no worries, email support easily-accessible right inside your website dashboard for whenever you need it

Essentials Performance + Security Scans

regular scans of your website to verify status and web trust, identify malware and vulnerabilities, and test website and page load times for overall performance indicators

Essentials Database Optimization

regular cleaning of your website database (including spam comments) to keep it lightweight and quick

Essentials Monthly Management Report

detailed, easy-to-read, monthly report emailed to your inbox for ultimate transparency so you can rest assured you're getting what you pay for

Essentials Full Backups + Restore

off-site, secure backups of files and database with unlimited version storage (Essentials, DialedIn: nightly)(Pro: live)

Essentials Video Tutorials

a plethora of video tutorials built right into the website dashboard to guide you through the features of the content management system



Get your site dialed in with all the value of the Essentials Plan plus a suite of features collected to crank up the efficiency, security, and search engine ranking of your website investment.

Scan + Fix Broken Links

media, pages, and posts get moved around and renamed all the time - regular scans (and fixes) for broken links means we keep the search engines, and your visitors, happy

SSL Certificate

provide a secure connection between your visitors and your website to transfer data safely, build trust in your legitimacy, and boost your search engine rankings

DialedIn Constant Uptime Monitoring

24/7 monitoring to make sure your site is always available when your audience needs it

SEO Keyword Monitoring

get a jump on your SEO and dial in your content by figuring out what keywords/phrases your site’s ranking well for and which need some tweaking

DialedIn Enhanced Security Scanner

think of it as an active anti-virus for your website - keeping you and your visitors safe from spyware, hackers, and the downtime that inevitably follows


Go pro if you’re ready to get serious about your marketing goals and get consistent, measurable results. In addition to the stellar foundation of our DialedIn Plan, Pro will allow us to collaborate on another level with monthly check-ins, advanced SEO techniques, and pre-paid design, development, or marketing work.

Pro Monthly Strategy + Advisory Calls

true collaboration for building on your analytics plan, website, design, and marketing advice, strategy sessions and more

Pro Advanced Ongoing SEO

crank up your search engine rankings with continual on-page, off-page, and technical search engine optimization

Pro Monthly Retainer

offload internal tasks from your employees and make use of our design, web, and marketing expertise up to 3 hours every month

Website management - sounding pretty good, eh?

Give us a holler to get signed up for one of these stellar Website Care Plans today!