the wIT blog

Groundwork Acquires the works IT

Groundwork Acquires the works IT

Why the acquisition? The evolution of the works IT and our long-transitioned focus on design and web, away from IT, aligned perfectly with Groundwork’s services and mission. Additionally, we’ve been leaning out the business and services while seemingly forever in the...

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Recent Web Vulnerabilities | Summer 2017

Recent Web Vulnerabilities | Summer 2017

Some of the many important benefits included in our Care Plans are preventative and follow-up security measures Our Website Care Plans are chock full of stellar benefits to help take stress and concern away from your marketing efforts and provide peace of mind, giving...

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Using Your Website to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Using Your Website to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Your ideal clients are looking for an expert that they can trust to guide them down the path to the land of benefits.  Who are your ideal clients? This is an imperative question to ask yourself at any point in the game. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Being able...

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We’re Moving!

My dearest, magical land-mermaids, it’s bittersweet to announce that June 30th, 2015 will be the last day in our Harrison, Ohio location. Another, larger-impact change we’re making which has been the catalyst for closing the storefront, is the elimination of both consumer and commercial IT services.

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Gobble Gobble Goo and Gobble Gobble Giggle

Happy Thanksgiving, you bunch o' turkey-eatin', blog-readin', thankful-bein', beauties!! Count your blessings on this day and always. Then count the minutes till you pass out from tryptophan overdose. Love you all - now go enjoy the day with frandz and famerly right...

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charity: water Proof Has Arrived!

Back in June 2012, The Works IT was celebrating our 4th Anniversary and wanted to do something cool and meaningful rather than just spending dough on a night out. Instead, we raised and donated money to give clean water access to people in developing countries. We...

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The Cloud Storage Service Formerly Known as SkyDrive

About a month ago, Microsoft lost a lawsuit with a British pay-TV broadcasting company over the use of the name SkyDrive. SkyDrive, for those who didn't already know, was Microsoft's cloud storage service that is also built in to their cloud productivity software...

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All Good Things Come to an End – XP/IE8

Windows XP was a great operating system for many years - that's pretty much a user-wide consensus. But it was released in 2002 putting it at almost 12 years old - which is really, really old in the IT industry. Really. Old.  On April 4, 2014, Windows XP, Office 2003,...

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Sea Turtles!

Sea Turtles!

Meet Crush. I named him after this gnarly dude:   Crush is our Christmas gift to ourselves this year (well, 2013). He's a symbolic representation of a family of sea turtles that we helped save with the help of Defenders of Wildlife. It's a really rewarding gift -...

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Our First Commercial!

We know marketing genius and raw talent when we see it. That's why we hired the ad agency behind a very high-quality series of adverts that have gone viral in 2013. I know, it's not 2013 anymore, but hey, this kind of quality takes a while to assemble (or I may have...

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Solution: iBooks Loses Sample Downloads on iOS Restore

So you got a new iPhone because you were due for an upgrade, your old one fell in a toilet, or some punk got your old one at a five-finger discount. You restore your data from iCloud or iTunes onto your shiny new device. Some time later you feel like reading a book,...

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Pebble Makes Some New Friends

The Pebble smartwatch has been out for some time now and while it started out with a small feature-set, we all knew it would grow into something really fun and interesting pretty quickly. Within a couple months of the first Pebble shipments came the first iteration of...

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“Power generation from hydro, wind, solar, and other renewable sources worldwide will exceed that from gas and be twice that from nuclear by 2016.”
– International Energy Agency

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Renewable Resources Are Taking Over

"Power generation from hydro, wind, solar, and other renewable sources worldwide will exceed that from gas and be twice that from nuclear by 2016." - International Energy Agency We here at The Works IT are pretty keen on alternative energy sources, mainly because we...

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It’s Time

The invigorating, upbeat intro to Imagine Dragons' hit song comes to mind every time I look at the box. That's right ladies and gentlemen....the Pebbles have arrived!! Well, some of them anyway. To celebrate, I may have gone overboard on an impromptu photo shoot...

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Pebbles Have Begun Shipping!

Back in May 2012, a small group of people were blowing Kickstarter records out of the water with their new campaign to raise money for starting full-scale production on their newest product, a smart watch called Pebble. If you've been living under a rock and haven't...

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charity: water News!

We are so stoked here to have received an email recently from charity: water. They've kindly informed us that the money we raised (with your help) back in May for our 4th birthday has been sent into the field and the work has begun in Ethiopia and Nepal! According to...

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Google Apps Ending Support for IE8

Here's some heavy-hitting proof of what I mentioned in my last post about how major sites are starting to end their support of Internet Explorer 8. Google Apps has announced this month via their Google Apps blog that they're discontinuing support of IE8 starting...

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