More than just a pretty face
Web Design
One of our very first clients, way back in 2008, came to us needing a website. That was the real start to our company and our reputation for stellar web design and development. We’ve got a passion for great design in harmony with solid user experience, and our hard-nosed perfectionism means we stick to the latest in web standards to develop gorgeous, functional work. We manage, design, and develop, websites of any size or requirement – for non-profit organizations, small business, eCommerce, high-traffic blogs, built as custom web applications, content management systems, and more.
Website Care Plans
We feel it’s our duty as professionals in the industry to enlighten and guide our clients and the general public about website management. We take pride in educating our clients to promote self-sufficiency since websites are not a static product. They’re a dynamic, interactive source for information to your audience that should be safe, secure, quick-loading, easily found, easily navigated, and constantly up-to-date, both on the back end and with the written content. But we don’t just wish you luck and leave you to it – we provide multiple tiers of thorough Website Care Plans to keep your website updated, secure, and performing at its peak. Even beyond performance and multiple layers of security, these Care Plans offer so many valuable benefits like SEO measurement, analytics, backups, and more, that we even summarize and deliver in an easy-to-understand, monthly Website Care Report.
Prefer To Do It Yourself?
We’ve also got you covered if you’re more of a do-it-yourselfer. Our long-time web hosting partner, Groundwork, is home to all the domain names you can handle; unlimited, reliable web hosting; stellar 24/7 customer support and more. You can sign up for an account, setup a robust, yet easy to use WordPress site with your new domain name, and be off to the races in just a couple hours!
Reliable Web Hosting
Remember how I mentioned reliable web hosting? It was just like two sentences ago….anyway……here’s proof. The Groundwork Hosting team includes on it a cute little robot whose job consists solely of helping you hold them accountable for that 99% uptime guarantee by constantly displaying Groundwork’s web hosting status. Check it out anytime to see more detail and deeper history stats. Neato gang!
recent web projects

Let's chat.
You need a website. We make stellar websites. We’re gonna to get along swimmingly.